Donate with a check

Take Advantage of our 100% donation policy!

There are 2 ways to donate with a check.

1- You write your generous amount in the check and you mail it directly to our address showing below.

2- You write your generous amount in the check and you come to visit us personally in the center.

Name: Hudson Valley Islamic Community Center
Address: 3680 Lexington Ave, Mohegan Lake, NY 10547
Phone number: +1 (914) 804-5689

Please Fill out the form below!

Tax-Deductible Donations

The Giving Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

100% Donation Policy

Thanks to the help of our volunteers, and a few generous donors who cover our administrative expenses, every cent that you donate goes directly to those in need. So if you donate $500 online, the entirety of that $500 goes to a worthy recipient.